
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Harsh winter may have triggered vacation home market rebound

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – March 18, 2011 – After several years of negative trends in the real estate industry, a recent market study shows signs of increasing consumer confidence. The third annual Cotton Report polled more than 800 participants on housing preferences, motivating factors, pricing levels and timelines for purchase. The survey included participants from 39 states, as well as Canada,
Europe and Latin America.

While no direct correlation was made to the harsh winter temperatures, the research survey indicated a substantial increase in the number of homebuyers seeking a vacation home purchase, an increase of 800% year-over-year. This dynamic trend is further supported by an increase in the number of buyers describing their transition as a geographic relocation, now 40%.

Over the three-year period of the annual research study, a continuous trend towards smaller homes has been noted with the most popular size home now being 1,700 to 2,299 square feet. Homes ranging from 1,000 to 1,699 square feet saw an increase of 5% in interest levels from 2010 to 2011.

The Cotton Report also shows signs that pricing levels have adjusted to meet consumer expectations. In 2009, respondents indicated the need for a 50% reduction in order to re-enter the market. In the 2011 survey, this level of price reduction has changed dramatically with the median response being a 20% reduction. This trend was also reflected in the consumer’s timeline to purchase. In 2011, 25% of
the respondents reported they would be purchasing within 6 months, an increase from just 4% at the same time last year.

While questions remain in the US mortgage market about the future of the 30-year mortgage, the survey indicates that 36% of the respondents plan to utilize a 30-year mortgage to make their purchase. An equal 36% are cash buyers with 21% indicating plans for a 15-year mortgage.

The annual consumer report is compiled by Cotton & Company, a 28-year-old real estate firm. A complete copy of the 2011 Cotton Report, including supporting data, is available through the company’s website

Copyright © 2011 Business Wire. From Florida Realtors News,

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